Thrust areas

Thrust areas of research based on publications

Name of thrust area

Petrology, Tectonics & Metallogeny

Hydrogeology & Environmental Geology

Sedimentary Basins, Life & Palaeoclimate

Number of publications

70 32 39

Published in:

The Canadian Mineralogist, Chemical Geology, MINERALOGIA, Quaternary Geochronology, JGSI, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Antarctic Science, Gondwana Research, JMPS, PINSA, Geo-Marine Letters, JAES, Solid Earth Sciences, GSA, Applied Geochemistry, India Geoscience Frontier, Proc. INSA, Geochemistry (Chemie der Erede), Central India Acta Geochimica, Acta Geologica Sinica, Greenhouse Gas Science Technology, Environmental Earth Sciences, Solid Earth Sciences, GSA, Acta Geochimica, Acta Geologica Sinica, Greenhouse Gas Science Technology, Environmental Earth Sciences, American Mineral, Geological Magazine, Ore Geology Reviews, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Indian Journal of Geosciences, Episodes, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Geological Journal, BGSA, Polar Science, Earth Science Reviews, PNAS, Precambrian Research, Geological Journal, Journal of Structural Geology, Gondwana Research, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Directions, Chemical Geology, Periodico di Mineralogia, Lithos

Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Earth Surf. Dynam,Geosphere, Journal of Hydrology, Environmental monitoring and assessment,Journal Geological Society of India, Groundwater for Sustainable Development,The Himalayan Cryosphere: Past and Present, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Clay Research,  Episodes,Journal of the JGSI, Geomorphology, Environ. Dev. Sustain., Quaternary International, Development and Sustainability, Water, Agricultural Water Management, JESS, Journal of Environmental Management, Water,  Environmental Modelling and Software, Geological Society of London, Energy Geosciences, Geocarto International, Geoderma, Catena






Palaios, JAES, Historical Biology, Episodes, Geobios, JESS,  PINSA, Geoheritage, Precambrian Research,  Geodynamics of Indian plate, Palaeontology, Current Science , Journal of Foraminiferal Research, Cretaceous Research, Geobios, Journal of Climate Change, Sedimentolog, Historical Biology, Catena, Palaeontology, Cretaceous Research, Journal of Palaeosciences, Journal of Paleontological Society of India, The Netherlands, Central India Geological Journal, Current Science